Antigravitation in biology
by V. S. Grebennikov
In 1988 V.S. Grebennikov discovered bilogical antigravitation that is based
of effect of cavity structures, in other words, it is De Broighl'
waves resonances produced by volumetrical resonators of some biological
There are some photos from his book and you can ask more from Juri N.
Cherednichenko (Laboratory of biophysics Scientific Research Institute
of General Pathology and Human Ecology SB Russian Ac. Med. Sci. Novosibirsk-city)
who submitted the material on his web site
Cavity effects from nest of bees.
Cavity effect from bunch of pipes
Interaction of the De Broighl wave with rotational detector
I have to note: Prof. Zolotarev, St.-Petersburg, 1996, demonstrated
similar effects by means of his detector: it was small coil that is made
of thin fiber optic cable. The coil was suspended by the same way and its
rotation was resulting from interaction with De Broighl' wave.
Medical application of the effect
Cavity effect experiment

Cavity effect can be increased by means of rotation
Effect that is produced by means of a book
Perpetuum mobile that is based on helical structures (photo films)
The effect is applied in medicine as Otto Corshelt's device
The effect also is known from ancient religious things
The pyramid as detector
The structure of energy flows (the Ether flows) in the pyramide
Flying platform that was designed by V.S. Grebennikov
The prinicples of antigravitation flight: space-time is curved in area
of the device
The author in flight
Juri N. Cherednichenko (Laboratory of biophysics Scientific Research
Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology SB Russian Ac. Med. Sci.
Novosibirsk-city) Web site