The vacuum in some sense
is "empty place" or "nothing" but the question for extraction
of energy from vacuum is widely discussed. This article is
description of approach that can be
developed in technologies to create power in load, the Work,
in other words, by means of equal and intercompensating processes.
Main ideas for this approach was published in New Energy News, May 1994, Newsletter of The Institute for New Energy, P.O.Box 58639, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84158, USA.
Simple mathematical formulation
1 + (-1) = 0 F.1
can be reversed in next view
0 = 1 + (-1) F.2
that show logical possibility to create two values from "nothing". Note that term "zero" is not "absolute nothing" but "zero" have inner structure. Zero can be created as sum for two opposite values, negative and positive. Also zero can be created as result of interaction for three values and for many values:
A + B + C = 0 F.4
0 = A + B + C F.5
For many-polarity is possible to create several values from "nothing".
Let's appeal to definition of Power. The Power is
P = A/T F.6
where P is power, A is work, T is time of work
So, the power is description of Process of certain time period. And the Work for transmission of some mass by definition is
A = F S F.7
where F is some force that produce this work, S is the distance of transmission
Now let's try find possibility for creation of power from nothing. By F.2 this possibility is
0 = P + (-P) F.8
It means that it is impossible to create something from nothing but it is possible to create two opposite power processes from nothing. It is way for structuring (or ordering) of zero-state.
The way to produce P and -P is defined by two factors: from F.6 it is factor of time "t"
0 = P(t) + P(-t) F.9
and from F.7 it is factor of space "S"
0 = P(S) + P(-S)
In any electromagnetics textbook one can find the description of LC resonance circuit. For parallel LC circuit it is Fig.1 scheme
This well-known device demonstrate possibility to create
in C-part of circuit current with +(T/4) phase outstripping and in
L-part of circuit the current have -(T/4) phase delay. So, currents in
C-part and in L-part have 180 degrees phase displacement.
From the point of view of source that is connected to A-B there are
no any current in this case. If amperemeter in C wire and amperemeter
in L wire are demonstrating the same value, the
amperemeter in input common wire will show zero-current.
The resonance is wonderful phenomenon
that allow to create "t" and "-t" factors to
use two opposite processes without any power consumption from
Now let us consider formulation
F.10. Any potential field is real demonstration of this formulation
since total work of potential field is sum for
positive work ( acceleration) and
negative work (deceleration). All we need to create
power by means of "zero-process" like potential
field is division of positive and negative work of field.
Simple example for divided
trajectory is special vacuum tube where factor "S" is used.
The electrical circuit have part from cathode
to anode and potential field created by screen make
additional acceleration for emission current electrons. Note that
in ordinary vacuum tube
the screen is placed between cathode and anode to
control the flow of emission electrons. Theoretically, current in
anode wire must be more powerful than current in cathode wire.
So, it is possible to use potential field only for acceleration of charged particles to produce useful work in load. Electrical potential field can be used in pulsed mode to produce acceleration of rotor. Electrostatical interaction is well-known but mainly as some statical mode. There are difference in principle for pulsed potential and for pulsed electrical current. First is sufficient to produce power free but second require the current and power from the primary source. Example is Fig.3
Segment of rotor is attracted to plate when the plate have electrical potential and acceleration have place. When rotor had passed vertical position for this scheme, the deceleration will be made, so the plate should be disconnected from potential source. The device must use the electric induction or displacement currents but not conductivity current.
So, factor "t" from F.9 also can be used for division of work of electrical potential field to create power from it.
In general sense
the same method can be used in
conception for matter and reverse-time matter
(anti-matter). Universe, atom, electron and so on can exist by this way
any power consumption.
If a free energy technologies
are using "time-factor" by F.9 and "space-factor" by F.10, some
chronal and gravitational effects in area of these
free energy process can be detected. It
is so call "three-sided effect": energy, time and gravity are
in three-lateral connection.
Term "information" is available for free energetics. For the case above, Fig.1 there are two equal processes are existing in strength of the source that is the source for changing potential only. It is "source of information" for "power-creating circuit". But it is not "source of power". The same situation was considered by N.Tesla. He wrote that radio receiver take power from either, not from transmitter. The consumption power of transmitter is not increasing when many receivers are in operating mode.
Example for informational exchange is phenomenon of electrical induction. There is the magnet analogy for it also: the magnetization or magnet induction.
Free energetics is energy-information technology.
Power can be considered as result for change of informational
state, or result of change of form of energy. For zero-state, for "nothing",
for vacuum there is no some certain defined form of energy.
The Process that is created in free energy generator determine the
type and quantity of energy. When structure of "zero" is
defined by some way (two opposite processes, for
example) the power, the mass, the space and the time of this energy process
are created.