Advanced Propulsion Methods

Resonance Cavity Structures Effect and De Broglie Matter Waves

We developed some research work with Professor Zolotariov V.F. in 1992 -1996. Now the discovery by V.S. Grebennikov and V.F. Zolotariov 'Phenomenon of the interaction of many-cavity structures with the living systems', Russian priority reference on the discovery #32-OT-11170 from 3.09.1985 is known mainly as the Cavity Structures Effect (CSE). Works by V.S. Grebennikov are examined in details on the site

This effect is an example of the interaction between de Broglie waves and biological systems.  In the opinion of Professor Zolotariov, the group movement of the electrons in the solid body generates de Broglie waves.  Cavities within the body become resonators to the de Broglie waves, and hence, source of standing de Broglie waves.  The field is produced by the cavities situated in space rhythmically that lead to a resonance reinforcement of the effect. In this case we mean not a rhythm in the time, but a rhythm in the space, in a similar case they say, that the architecture is a frozen music.

'As a result, the energies of a different character appear, for example from an array of paper tubes, bee's honeycombs and so on. The organism reacts to the different energies with the result that changes in physiologic condition can occur.' (V.S. Grebennikov, 'Pchelovodstvo' #12, 1984, p. 28).

Professor Zolotariov supposed that since only related nature categories can interact with themselves, so the origin of physical mechanism of nervous impulses has a common nature with de Broglie material waves. It may be presumed that these waves are the longitudinal waves. Technical realization of the effect can be made possible by various methods. 'The walls of many-cavity structures : are usually considered as the boundaries of the potential electron's box. This is generally true for dielectrics as well as metals. The group movement of electrons leads to a system of standing de Broglie waves in the potential space, which have classic frequencies (B.N. Rodimov, Autofluctuational quantum mechanics, Tomsk, TGU, 1976).

Fig.1 Force effects between two stalks.             Fig.2 Antigravitation system and some effects of the observation

This photo from Grebennikov's book 'My World' provides us with some analogy between simplest experiments with stalks of plants (left side) and possible antigravitation 'warp drive' technology (right side).

In 1996 Prof. Zolotarev also demonstrated simplest experiments for participants of International Scientific Congress 'New Ideas in Natural Science', for example, he used small fiber-optic coil suspended in glass container. The dielectrical coil can react (it is rotating) with permanent magnet or with hands. In both cases the coil is operating as a kind of de Broigle's waves detector.

Our laboratory produced some tests and we are interested to develop this work with serious customer to get industry level technology.

Photo from web site about V. Grebennikov